alchemical arts for spiritual fulfillment + thriving

I help you embody your true self + take quantum leaps in your life--so you can live your design, expand love/freedom + thrive.

keys + codes for
+ prosperity

Through aligning with your true self + unique nature, the nobility of your spirit can pervade your entire life where you feel centered and empowered in your life path.

Consider an integral approach of incorporating consciousness sciences, spiritual technologies, and holistic health methodologies to remove blocks and other [unconscious] limitations/stuckness that may be keeping you from realizing the life your most want to live and your inner-genius/purpose/true self that wants to blossom through your relationships, careers, and personal path of fulfillment. 

By honoring our bodies, hearts, karma, and true soul desires we may feel liberated, live with more joy, dynamism, enthusiasm, sovereignty, & change the very way we breathe.

Below, you’ll find a few avenues of offers that support your spiritual alignment, alchemy/mastery, and prosperity (inner + outer abundance).

Kinan has been selected as the Winner for the 2022, 2023, + 2024 Best of Aurora Awards in the category of Astrologer + Empowerment Coaching which earned him a seat in the 2024 Aurora Business Hall of Fame. The Aurora Award Program purpose to support and offer public recognition of the contributions of businesses and organizations in and around Aurora, Colorado.

what clients have to say:

choose an
alchemical path




Hi, I'm Kinan

I primarily offer Astrologically-based Life Coaching and Inner Alchemy through an integrative, holistic, quantum, and holographic lens of consciousness. I love supporting empaths and entrepreneurs experience deeper fulfillment and intimacy with the body, personality, primary relationships, family, business, society, culture, world, and divinity (our morphogenetic/holographic field). 

I help others take the courageous leap into greater love, freedom, and thriving in life through devotion to soul/divine/true self and inner-genius.

Born into a family of builders and designers, I grew up in the energetic fields of architecture and carpentry which extend into my love of conscious engineering–intentionally transforming core areas of life (patterns, behavior, heart-math) and healing the human holographic soul matrix. 

This process of shifting levels of consciousness in the body (and clearing ego deficiencies) into greater harmony allows one to create a roadmap for intentionally aligning with one’s soul and true nature/purpose. It allows for a kind of inner-mapping that honors one’s soul blueprint and essence while adding spaciousness for our creative power.

align with your true self


Schedule a friends and family chat, free consultation, or to explore the best pathway for you.


We’ll talk about potential pathways that support your specific desires and challenges. Perhaps you feel stuck, are in transition, want to clarify your life/career/soul purpose, or are ready to build a life around your gifts…whatever it may be, I’ll connect you with empowering options or point you to a network of practitioners outside of my scope.


Receive a tailored solution among many avenues of services. Experience life with a greater alignment to the intelligence of your soul’s consciousness, your dharma, evolutionary potential, and highest timeline.

“The basis of life is absolute freedom. the purpose of life is joy. the result of life is expansion."
-Abraham Hicks

more client shares:

self-actualization, dharma + bliss

Symbolic languages and vehicles for conceptualizing spiritual processes, such as Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys imply a process of unfoldment or, as Carl Jung might have said, individuation. These systems are mandalas that “describe” the potentials of our self-actualization process. One definition of a mandala is “a symbol in a dream, representing the dreamer’s search for completeness and self-unity”. An astrological birth chart, or natal chart, is a person-centered mandala that implies individuation.

Just as a true mandala is more than a static geometrical figure, so is your soul or self. The symbols in the mandala of these systems can be known as archetypes (primitive/natural energies, energy signatures, and/or evolutionary forces) that operate through your subtle bodies and unconscious. These archetypes or specific consciousness can be viewed through a self-mirroring system’s vehicle: The Natal Map (Astrology), the Bodygraph (Human Design), and the Hologenetic Profile (the Gene Keys).

The unconscious is said to be the primary mode in which we operate and is accessible through these vehicles that carry message: the symbolic formulation of your dharma (nature or reality)–suggesting how you can best actualize the innate potentialities of our particular and unique Selfhood. 

In life, a stable foundation in which life and relationships can flourish and thrive (to others, yourself, the world, ideas, government, family, etc., e.g. within your human hologram) is built through the intimate connection to the power running through you at the atomic level–your life force energy (i.e. yin/”feminine”)–and the light of your awareness (i.e. yang/”masculine”). 

Knowing dharma is knowing your unique path to truth/power/love/freedom/purpose. Your power emerges from your inner union, and union is a “purified gold” created from the alchemy of the soul–comprised of subtle bodies or layers of consciousness that are liberated from a transmutation of denser “substances” of our beliefs, traumatic experiences, and fear. As they are transformed, your power expresses as boundless, expansive, life-giving joy.  

Claiming your true power allows you to co-create with life effortlessly from a wellspring of “free energy” and make decisions from a place of inspiration, certainty and joy. This is inner freedom and true love expressing as you. This is flow in life’s evolutionary process. This is joyful purpose where an ecstatic element emerges in daily experience. 

Intimacy is resting into being and yearning for becoming [whole] simultaneously. This is true intimacy–receiving the experience of interconnectedness and radical aliveness–true tantra or inner alchemy. 

As the yogis say, this is ananda (Sanskrit), which means extreme happiness, one of the highest states of being (“the ananda of divine love”). Your bliss. When you align with your so[u]l’s design–through the light of awareness and truth–you can more easily embody your bliss; you can honor Divinity as your authenticity, thrive, and lead an ecstatic life.


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The griffin

The golden griffin symbolizes the alchemical embodiment of living wisdom, solar radiance, and integration of duality (body/earth <–> divine/sky), and reminds us of the ancient knowledge, strength, majesty, and nobility that are available to each of us as we awaken to the great mythic story of our being and tear down obstacles, blocks, and limitations from achieving emotional harmony, self-realization, and spiritual evolution. 

Copyright © 2024 | Luminous Ventures LLC | Alchemy + Design Lab | Kinan Whyte