Episode 19 – Conscious Conception & Pregnancy as a Template for Healthy Bonding & Parenting w/ Mandelena Luz

IN THIS EPISODE: We discuss subtle awareness practices and healing that complement conscious conception. Mandelena’s nearly 15 years of training in these areas alongside her specialized training brings a fresh perspective on creating a healthy and vibrant emotional life with yourself and your child. We discuss the importance of soul connection in the parenting process before, during, and after birth, and offers her embodied experience and wisdom of spiritual guidance in child bonding.




Mandalena has devoted her life to supporting people in the discovery of their greatest self, and the journey to embody its magnificence in the world. She’s been a healer and teacher of healing arts and energy medicine for almost 15 years, supporting clients and students on their healing and awakening paths. This work covers the full spectrum of experience, from deep psychological trauma to transcendent spiritual expansion. With trauma, for example, deep healing happens when she helps clients meet aspects of self that had been hidden from direct consciousness and, through loving presence and attunement, integrate them back into the wholeness of their true self. And with spiritual awakening, she’s seen people’s entire outlook on their life and identity change as they traverse dimensions of reality and “land” extraordinary experiences into embodiment and daily life.

The skills she’s studied and taught to others for nearly 15 years are the fundamentals that hold and guide my her life. She knows from personal experience how these skills of healing and awakening have guided her and held her in times of difficulty. Even when easy answers aren’t available in the outer world, she feels the deep support of spirit guiding her, showing her the way.

It is these skills and practices that allowed her transition into motherhood to be so graceful, enjoyable and easeful.

When she became a mama she realized that so many of the qualities and capacities that she had been giving to clients for all these years were exactly what her child needed from her…that depth of attunement, loving presence, awareness of each moment, intuition and trust…

And these skills are necessary not just to care for our children, but to care for ourselves. These skills have allowed her to show up fully to meet the arising of each moment, holding herself and find the bliss inside of it all, even the challenges. She havss been able to be resourced rather than depleted. To trust what life brings us, rather than try to fight against it. To stay present, rather than disconnect. These capacities she supports herself in, have given her baby the security and presence she needed for deep psychological and spiritual health. This has resulted in her baby being securely attached and bonded with her, with a baseline of contentment and joy in her system.

Her own journey of becoming a mama – which included four pregnancies and miscarriages before her daughter fully incarnated – set her up for the work of connecting with the souls of babies both pre-conception and in utero. After her own personal communications with these souls during pregnancy, her friends’ spirit babies began communicating to her as well. This naturally led her to work with couples in the conception phase, pregnant mamas, and new parents.

She feels deeply called to help parents cultivate the awareness and practices that I’ve had in my own journey, so that they can bring their all to their parenting.

– Nearly 15 years of training and work in awakening practices, subtle energy awareness and healing.
– Teacher and practitioner with the Luminous Awareness Institute (luminousawareness.com)
– Specialized education in….
– Body-Mind Centering TM
– Alexander Technique
– Continuum
– Asian Bodywork
– Cranial Sacral Therapy
– Qi Gong
– Dance
– Meditation
– Plant medicine

MFA from the University of Colorado specializing in Performance, Movement, and Somatics
BA in Human and Organizational Development and Fine Arts from Vanderbilt University

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