sol design

create prosperity by living your design

As we more intimately experience the vast mystery of our inner life and divine architecture, a higher purpose and an open heart emerge to naturally generate prosperity.

As we heal by releasing blocks, re-patterning limiting beliefs, liberating life-force energy, and integrating shadow frequencies, the path of our true destiny emerges. A sacred flow or spirit (sol) and bliss of the body return as our natural state. The innate intelligence of a unified mind-body, heart, and spirit becomes the foundation for an expansive and abundant plane of reality where the intelligence of the universe links up with our being and life path. Synchronicity abounds linking us with opportunities to express our potential.

Do you need greater support through the change you are experiencing now? Are you ready to create powerful relationships through alignments with the planets and your focal frame of perception? Are you ready to live and embody the life-generative and stabilizing wholeness of your inner solar king/queen?  


SOL DESIGN is rooted in Evolutionary & Astronomical Astrology, Pre-incan & Incan Technology of Love, Toltec Wisdom of Self-Mastery, Amazonian Psychotography & Imetics, Quantum Healing, Neo-Shamanic Energy Work, and other Human Potential SciencesEach Astrology Reading offers guidance of reading your natal map with Intuitive Coaching drawn from these lineages in a reflective alchemical container. Additionally, elements of your Hologenetic Profile (Gene Keys) and Bodygraphy (Human Design) may be incorporated, along with somatic awareness along your journey so you can assure organic integration is occurring at each step of the way through to working with subtler energies in your life.

live a life where vitality abundance flow naturally

SOL DESIGN services facilitate a connection to the intangible, nonphysical, transpersonal energy emanating from your true source–your soul’s consciousness–so that greater freedom, expansion & joy are commonplace, and the primal structure of nature informs your life path.

Your light–your unique template of creative expression–is your divine inheritance and your birthright. Be witnessed in your essence and shadows. Rediscover your capacity for luminous awareness. Connect to your need for autonomy & greater competence aligned with your core truth. Satiate the need every soul has for divine love, union, & fulfillment.

The Ouroborus (dragon eating its tail) is a mystic symbol: the inner realm beyond the limits of time and space; Quantum space

In alchemy, the ouroboros is a purifying sigil that represents the spirit of Mercury (the substance that permeates all matter) and symbolizes continuous renewal and harmony of opposites. 

It is a symbol of self-reflexivity or cyclicality, the eternal return, the eternal unity of all things, the cycle of birth and death from which the alchemist sought release and liberation. It keeps the cosmic waters under control, and is symbolic of the cyclical nature of alchemical work. 

Astrology is a philosophical keystone at SOL DESIGN. The Astrological Natal Chart, in its entirety, points to the unique karmic dynamics of the soul that lead to this life, and thus the unalterable ‘template’ from which evolution can happen.

By looking into the cycles you are currently passing through and the archetypes activated in your life right now, you will receive clues, guidance and insights into navigating your experience with more consciousness and clarity.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who wrote extensively on Astrology, saw the ourobouros as an archetype and the basic mandala of alchemy. Jung also defined the relationship of the ouroboros to alchemy:

“The alchemists, who in their own way knew more about the nature of the individuation process than we moderns do, expressed this paradox through the symbol of the ouroboros, the dragon that eats its own tail. Ouroboros, has been said to have a meaning of infinity or wholeness. 

In the age-old image of the ouroboros lies the thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory process, for it was clear to the more astute alchemists that the prima materia of the art was man himself. The ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow. 

This ‘feed-back’ process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of the ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolizes the One, who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia which […] unquestionably stems from man’s unconscious.”


Light (energy) is what keeps your heart beating. It flows through your spine over your nerves to your cells and stirs them into life. Light is a generative force that fuels all living things. Light is a reflection of divinity. It connects body, mind, breath, and emotions. It is the matrix that connects all life and weaves all realities. You are light. Because you are light, you are always creating, transforming, and evolving
To evolve is to increase coherency, complexity, and energy efficiency. To live, breathe, and embody your design is to turn the authority of your mind over to your heart and higher self–to allow your unique design to guide you into the field of your fingerprint-specific genius where living at your zenith is more of a possibility each day.
This is what SOL DESIGN is all about: facilitating a life where the nobility of your spirit can pervade your entire life, making you unshakeable, unfuckwithable, stable, confident and radiant. 
SOL DESIGN was created for you to discover, access, explore and honor your soul blueprint…to live, align with, and embody your design–the very essence or light (SOL) animating your being so that your greatest fulfillment is possible.

live a life where vitality abundance flow naturally

SOL DESIGN services facilitate a connection to the intangible, nonphysical, transpersonal energy emanating from your true source–your soul’s consciousness–so that greater freedom, expansion & joy are commonplace, and the primal structure of nature informs your life path.

Your light–your unique template of creative expression–is your divine inheritance and your birthright. Be witnessed in your essence and shadows. Rediscover your capacity for luminous awareness. Connect to your need for autonomy & greater competence aligned with your core truth. Satiate the need every soul has for divine love, union, & fulfillment.

Copyright © 2024 | Luminous Ventures LLC | Alchemy + Design Lab | Kinan Whyte