Episode 8 – The Subtle Body & Network Chiropractic with Dr. Amanda Hessel

IN THIS EPISODE: We explore the beauty of the network chiropractic and the importance of self-love. We talk about Donald Epstein’s 12 stages of healing–a network approach to wholeness–and face some of the great paradoxes in human nature and human intelligence from an integrative perspective of the whole Self.

unwinding the subtle body

by dr. amanda hessel

Most of us are aware of tension in our physical body. It is quite obvious when a part of our body feels constricted in its movement or a muscle feels tight. People however are less aware of tensions in their subtle body. Your subtle body/bodies are those bodies that are less dense and therefore less physical. For example, your emotional body is a subtle body. You can’t see your emotions (except as they express though your physical form) you can only feel them. Your mental body is also a subtle body. You can’t see your thoughts you can only think them. Lastly, your soul body is your most subtle body. Again, you can’t see your soul body you can only directly come to know it. Each of these subtle bodies can hold tension or restriction. We are frequently less aware of our subtle bodies and even less aware of the ways in which we guard, protect, hold tight or resist within these aspects of ourselves.  

You can’t heal or change a holding pattern or a particular way that you are binding energy until you can see and feel what is going on. Self-awareness is the number one primary ingredient as without that you are simply unconscious to yourself. The second essential ingredient is your willingness to spontaneously and authentically feel your patterns once you can see them. When you are authentically feeling there is an instantaneous opening of the heart. This is what unbinds that pattern and your system. Most people are really gifted in intellectualizing their awareness of themselves and also intellectualizing their feelings. When we “intellectually” feel our feelings rather than authentically feel them we may feel a temporary release of energy but we will not feel a deeper connection and wholeness with self.

Probably the easiest way to increase your self-awareness is by slowing yourself down. Sometimes this is a physical slowing down, but even beyond that is a slowing down of your emotional and mental bodies. When our awareness is occupied with incessant mental chatter or is getting hijacked by emotional triggers it is very hard to notice our subtle bodies. Even though we are thinking thoughts or having feelings we are often not really aware of what we are the thinker or feeler, we are instead merged with the feelings and thoughts. Until you can recognize that you are thinking or that you are feeling you are simply fused with the thoughts or feelings and not really aware of yourself.

Being aware of tension in your subtle bodies is important if you desire to increase your openness and receptivity to energy, information and life. When we unconsciously bind energy in our subtle bodies we may think we are open and yet there are worlds of energy and information that we are not in direct communication with.  It may seem strange, paranormal or mystical when other people seem to be tapped into something that we are not aware of or can’t seem to track or access. Again most people are not aware of how they are binding energy or holding tension in their more subtle bodies and thus keeping themselves separate from more expanded states of being and knowing.

Probably the easiest way to increase your self-awareness is by slowing yourself down. Sometimes this is a physical slowing down, but even beyond that is a slowing down of your emotional and mental bodies. When our awareness is occupied with incessant mental chatter or is getting hijacked by emotional triggers it is very hard to notice our subtle bodies. Even though we are thinking thoughts or having feelings we are often not really aware of what we are the thinker or feeler, we are instead merged with the feelings and thoughts. Until you can recognize that you are thinking or that you are feeling you are simply fused with the thoughts or feelings and not really aware of yourself.

Being aware of tension in your subtle bodies is important if you desire to increase your openness and receptivity to energy, information and life. When we unconsciously bind energy in our subtle bodies we may think we are open and yet there are worlds of energy and information that we are not in direct communication with.  It may seem strange, paranormal or mystical when other people seem to be tapped into something that we are not aware of or can’t seem to track or access. Again most people are not aware of how they are binding energy or holding tension in their more subtle bodies and thus keeping themselves separate from more expanded states of being and knowing.

Dismantling the tension bound in your more subtle bodies often comes with the experience of feeling exposed. Exposed because you literally are dropping the energetic walls between you and seeming other so nothing is hidden. When our minds still believe that there is “other”, then we can feel a sense of risk or danger in dropping these more subtle resistances or defenses.  Also, people can feel overwhelmed, violated, invaded or the like in becoming more all pervasive and less defended in their subtle bodies. When this is the experience it simply means that there is some more fundamental work to do in regards to personal trust, safety and development of sense of self. We must become a person before we can dismantle our personhood back into the one infinite source that we are. This is the developmental progression and the evolution of it occurs in perfect timing.


Another aspect that often arises in dismantling the tension in our subtle bodies is our self-worth. Due to the nature of the learning here on earth at this time many people have a fundamental belief that they are unworthy or unlovable.  This sense of unworthiness is in itself a resistance or tension in opening into the infinite intelligence and love that we are.  To feel unworthy of love makes it challenging to receive the love that we are and so we subtlety and unknowingly push it away.  Instead of opening more deeply towards it we keep it at bay as we feel undeserving of it. This reinforces our experience of separation, otherness and limitation.


For many healing is what is required at this stage of the game. Healing being a coming into wholeness and coherence.  Understand that healing does not mean that a part of us is different. Healing means that a part of us knows that it’s loved. Nothing changed, nothing given, nothing taken away, all forgiven. It is when we arrive here that we can deepen more and more fully into letting go of even the most subtle threads of resistance and tension that keep us separate from our more expanded self.  In truth we are all love. All resistance simply keeps us from this truth. 


Looking for more insights?

Visit Dr. Amanda Love for a session via www.chiroalchemy.com

Find retreats, coaching, and online courses via www.livelovealigned.com 


About the Author

Dr. Amanda Love is a Chiropractor, working with Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration in Boulder, CO.

Tune into more perspectives on radiant living and learn more about methodologies in subtle energy arts and sciences, creativity, and conscious entrepreneurship through our podcast.

sounds of the soul

by dr. amanda hessel

Light language seems to be an increasingly popular topic these days. Sounds, tones, and streams of what appear to be words and sentences that have no mental meaning are being spoken by many. This is not a new phenomenon. People have been speaking in tongues or languages unknown to them in religious and spiritual ceremonies probably since the beginning of time. You can read back into biblical days where speaking in tongues was known as being filled by the holy spirit or the languages of angels. It was also said that this language when spoken speaks to God, not men, as the human mind does not understand it.

I’d venture to say that lots of people might think that light language is all hogwash, that people are making up stuff for attention, and who knows what else, and I am sure that this indeed does happen. I can only write and share from my own experience on this topic. In my early 30s after receiving Network Spinal Analysis Care and other energy techniques, my system became more open. What I mean by this is that pathways and channels to other frequencies that aren’t typically known or expressed in our ordinary, everyday reality became available to me. In this opening, which evolved over a couple of years, I also started to speak what is referred to as light language. It is not something I ever tried to do, but instead something that simply occurred through me.

Speaking or vocalizing these sounds or tones feels like it comes from another worldly source. While in truth there is no other, on a relative level there are different dimensions of reality, some of which have higher concentrations of light, meaning they are more light-filled, thicker with light, or what we might call spirit. For reasons not entirely known to me, I am able to readily open up to these more densely lit frequencies just by relaxing my body and not being hyper mentally focused. As I relax, my heart opens as well as what people would refer to as the third eye area. For me, my heart and third eye seem to be my energetic portals into these lighter frequencies and from which I am able to channel and transmit.

Light language has become an integral aspect of my work and service. I readily speak and make various sounds and tones while I work with clients. I have noticed over the years that the sounds I vocalize create a field that is more densely packed with light. This field creates a space or container that allows people to kind of “swim” in more light or have an experience of more of their soul or spirit. Some people begin to make sounds and speak light language when I work with them. For others, their bodies begin to undulate, move, unwind tension and open into more source or love. Others feel more relaxed, present or lighter in their being. There is no specific right or wrong way that light language impacts others. It is simply received as any other gift would be received by them.

At times it feels to me that the sounds are encoded information, however, I do not know this to be fact. It does not seem to be the kind of mental information that we are constantly searching for when we seek answers to stuff. Instead, it is information that works with our subtler energetic system and communicates with that next level of our being which I would call soul. When I speak or channel light language it feels as though “my” soul, and I use the word “my” lightly as it does not feel very personal, makes contact with soul in other or soul in all. It is as if I am speaking soul to soul, or soul to universal soul (aka God). Some souls that are incarnate in human bodies are more awake and aware than others meaning they have penetrated more deeply the veil of forgetfulness. In this case, the dialogue is symbiotic and this intelligence naturally speaks with itself, in and through others, just as humans speak mind to mind. Information is then shared at this level of being called soul and the texture of the communication is bliss.

Due to the nature of the substratum of light language being bliss, rather than thought like mental intelligence, the information is simply different. It is not better or worse, just a different flavor or frequency which many humans have not or don’t frequently encounter. To me, a more appropriate term for light language would actually be love language as the information it seems to share can really only be equated to ecstatic, blissful, unified perfection. From my current understanding of it, the language is not meant to fix anything, solve any problems or give us any particular insights per se. Instead, its function appears to be the bringing in of higher densities of light, love, and bliss so that light, love, and bliss permeate a fuller extent of all aspects of creation.

When creation is more fully permeated with light it has a higher capacity to see itself more clearly. It is less confused with itself as creation and sees itself more as the creator of it. The way I see it is light language arises from a source closer to the source of what we are. It comes from a more purified or rarified aspect of ourselves than say our intellect, emotions, or physical body. If we follow and allow it, it can help us make contact with the subtler and subtler aspects of ourselves. Be clear that it is not the expression of the language that is of importance, but from where it arises from which holds the true significance. Take care not to be fascinated by the forms the language takes, but rather tune into where it arises from. Here is the true gateway into the deeper source of you and source of all of creation.


Looking for more insights?

Visit Dr. Amanda Love for a session via www.chiroalchemy.com

Find retreats, coaching, and online courses via www.livelovealigned.com 


About the Author

Dr. Amanda Love is a Chiropractor, working with Network Spinal Analysis & Somato-Respiratory Integration in Boulder, CO.

Tune into more perspectives on radiant living and learn more about methodologies in subtle energy arts and sciences, creativity, and conscious entrepreneurship through our podcast.

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